Delta Balustrades

Case Studies

Queensmead School, Ruislip

OS200 Orbis Vertical Bar Infill Side Fix
OS221 Orbis Midrail Infill Top Fix

Contractor: Morgan Sindall
Architects: Lungfish Architects

120 metres of balustrades installed on the £5m Queensmead School project in Ruislip. The co-educational secondary school with academy status, included the construction of a two-storey technology block and plant room, adding 18 classrooms and associated facilities.

Awarded to Morgan Sindall by the Department for Education under its priority schools building project, it was vital for the internal Orbis balustrades with vertical bar infills to be designed at the extra height of 1250mm to comply with the recent changes to DfE guidance.

Delta Balustrades
Queensmead School, Ruislip
Queensmead School, Ruislip
Queensmead School, Ruislip
Queensmead School, Ruislip
Queensmead School, Ruislip